Anti-Bullying and Tango

Tango is about communication, Good dancing is dependent upon the receptive and expressive communication skills of the lead and follow. Unless the partners are able to listen deeply to each other and adapt themselves to the emotional presence and technical proficiency of their partner, they will not be compatible as dance partners. They (typically the lead) will default to bullying.

Music of the Spheres

Consider a dance where listening and spontaneity are valued over anticipating, fluidity over rigidity, attunement rather than judgement, responsiveness rather than expectations. We move together into mystery and possibility, each embracing  the generosity of shared axis and lead and interpretatingthe music, losing awareness of where you end and your partner begins.

Entanglement Tango? pt. 1

I never cease to be amazed how, when my partner and I are attuned to each other, we internalize each other’s sense of timing. When I stretch a beat or skip it altogether my partner is right there with me, actually anticipating my movement even before I am consciously intending anything. This is no simple lead-and-follow routine. This is complete synchronization, synergy, communion, attunement, entanglement.

Presence in Motion: simplicity and grace

“Presence requires staying centered and present in one’s own self, and at the same time listening with your whole body to your partner’s motions and emotions. ThIs requires flexibility, adjustment, and adaptation, always in an environment of safety, trust, respect, honesty.”

Connect/ disconnect/ reconnect

The dance of intimacy is not a clinging onto or a smothering. It is the energy or connection that is created in that dramatic interplay between coming together and separating, between holding on and letting go. It is what happens in the middle when equal time and attention is paid to the drama of letting go and embracing. The back and forth, in and out. From dessert to desert to dessert.

Ode to Old

A Quote from Cacho Dante, speaking from the experience of a seasoned tanguero, “Thirty years ago, the tango wasn’t a trapeze act. When guys … didn’t really know how to dance, they did 20 steps; when they knew a bit more, the did 10; and when they really knew what they were doing, they danced five .. but with real quality.”

Tango is a feeling …

What kind of feeling does tango evoke for you? There is no outer dance if there is no inner dance. In fact, I have learned that I am physically incapable of dancing if there is no internal resonance to the music and my dance partner.